Téma 1: Vydání na volné téma


Dear readers,

It is my pleasure to introduce you a new edition of the Focused on the EU series. Our team has prepared three new articles that deal with the different aspects of the EU integration project. Let me briefly summarise each of them. It has been a year since the Lisbon treaty came into force and our team is therefore very curious what implications it have had in particular member states or in the EU as a whole.

Tomáš Búry, student of Charles University and University of Economics in Prague, discusses a ratification of the Lisbon treaty and implications it might have for European integration process.

Second contributor, Marek Garlicki from University of Warsaw, analyses an impact of the Lisbon treaty on constitutional order of the Great Britain. His attention is focused on the ratification of the Lisbon treaty and a core stone of British legal order – the doctrine of Parliament sovereignty.

Finally, Marek Hrdina from the Masaryk University dedicated his paper to an evaluation of a role of small EU member states during their EU presidency. The author examines Czech and Slovenian presidencies and concludes that small member states – although their foreign policy is not so extensively elaborated – can manage their EU presidency quite successfully.

Do you have a good article/essay/paper dealing with an EU related topic? Would you like to participate in our project next time? Do not hesitate to contact us; we are still looking for new contributors! If you want to know more information about the project “Focused on the EU”, feel free to visit our website zamerenonaeu.web­node.cz or contact us by e-mail zamerenonaeu@gmail.com.

At the end, I would like to thank everyone who participated on the current edition either by writing articles or by writing opposition paper. Dear readers, I wish you an inspirational reading. 

On behalf of all participants

Zbyněk Smetana


Publikované články

The Lisbon Treaty, was it worth it?

This article deals with the process of ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and analyses following legal development. Both costs and benefits of the adoption of the new legal infrastructure are outlined. The procedural hurdles in the ratification process have strengthened the notion of a democratic deficit and an unevenness of the states. On the contrary the competences of the EU were better delimitated by the Treaty, increased effectivity of the institutions and efficiency of the decision making process were brought and a standard of human rights protection was raised. On balance the article claims that positives of the Lisbon Treaty outweigh negatives, but the Treaty does not represent epochal change and therefore further development is needed.

Tomáš Búry - 23. Leden 2011. 



The Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty after the Lisbon Treaty

This essay examines the influence of the incorporation of the Lisbon Treaty to the UK law on one of the fundamental principles of the UK constitutional system – the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty (also called supremacy). The essay is divided in three main sections. The first explores the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty and defines its meaning. Then it focuses on the accession of the UK to the European Communities in 1973 and its impact on the principle. Finally, the British regulations incorporating the Lisbon Treaty to the UK law are analysed.

Marek Garlicki - 23. Leden 2011.



Republika Slovinsko a Česká republika v čele EU

Tato esej představuje autorovo zamyšlení nad potenciálem, který mají malé státy v případě, že se dostanou do situace, kdy je po nich vyžadována daleko větší zahraničněpolitická aktivita, než na jakou jsou takovéto státy běžně připravené. Autor vychází z předpokladu, že zahraniční politika malých států je odlišná od zahraniční politiky států větších, a na základě analyzování předsednictví Republiky Slovinsko a České republiky v Radě Evropské unie dochází k závěru, že malé státy mohou i se svým odlišným pojetím zahraniční politiky v této důležité pozici uspět.

Marek Hrdina - 23. Leden 2011.
